The following is a list of organizations that produced and/or distributed periodicals and other published items in the archive.

Academy of Political Science (1) Hindusthan Association of America (22) San Joaquin Delta College (1)
Advanced Thought Pub. Co. (1) India Development & Relief Fund (1) Socialist Party (1)
Akali Patrika (3) India Famine Emergency Committee (1) South Asia Research Group (1)
Alliance Against Fascist Dictatorship in India (2) India Forum (6) South Asia Students Association (6)
America and India Feature and News Service (1) India Home Rule League of America (29) South Asian AIDS Action (SAAA) (1)
American League for India's Freedom (2) India Information Bureau of America (1) South Asian Artists' Collective (1)
Appeal-Democrat (1) India League of America (11) Superintendent Government Printing (India) (1)
Association for the Promotion of Education of the People of India (1) India Welfare League, Inc. (4) Sure Success Service (1)
Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies (15) Indian Workers' Association (GB) (1) Tagore & Co. (1)
Bangladesh Committee for Human Rights (1) KPFK (2) The Association of Indians in America, Inc. (2)
Bay Area Bangladesh Association (BABA) (1) Los Angeles City School District (1) The Blanchard Press, Inc. (1)
British Information Services (1) Los Angeles Examiner (3) The Canada India League (1)
Chas R. Cummings (1) Los Angeles Times (1) The Committee on Public Information (1)
Citizens For Human Rights and Civil Liberties (1) Moslem Society of U.S.A. (1) The Community Church (1)
Committee Against Political Repression in India (CAPRI) (1) NamBi Foundation (1) The Community Church of New York (1)
Committee for Freedom in India (1) National Association of Educational Broadcasters (1) The Humboldt Publishing Co. (1)
Committee for Human Rights (2) National Committee For India's Freedom (3) The India-America Society (1)
Committee of Concerned Indian Students (4) New Century Foundation, Inc. (1) The Khalsa Diwan Society Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. (1)
Concerned Desis Against Proposition 54 (3) NEWSINDIA (1) The Muslim Association of America (1)
De Vorss & Co. (1) P.G. Krishnayya (1) The New History Foundation (1)
Embassy of India (1) P.S. King & Son Ltd. (1) The Vedanta Centre (1)
Emergency Coalition to Stop HIV/AIDS in India (1) Pacific Coast Hindustani Association (28) The Watumull Foundation (1)
Friends of Freedom for India (8) Pacific Coast Khalsa Diwan Society (2) The Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society (1)
Gadar Memorial Center (2) PBS (1) The World Federation (1)
Gandhi Memorial International Foundation (1) Presbyterian Mission Press (1) Tri-Valley Herald (1)
Ganesh & Co. (1) Radio Bilingue (1) Twin Cities Public Television (2)
Government of India (1) Rajani, Inc. (38) United India League (2)
Government Printing Office (1) Renaissance Publications (1) United States Postal Service (1)
Guardian Commercial Printery (1) Rishi Singh Grewal (1) Universal Publishing Co. (1)
Hindustan Gadar Party (18) Roberts Brothers (1) Vedanta Society (1)
Hindustan-Gadar Office (2) San Francisco Vedanta Society (1) Workers Party of America (1)