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Excerpt and translation of Bhagwan Singh's Diary

Photocopy of a translation of Bhagwan Singh Gyanee's diary, from January 1-9, 1917. The details of this diary discuss the activities of the Ghadar party, with particular attention to Ram Chandra (editor of the Ghadar), Ram Singh, Sebgal, Vaishno Das Bagai, Santokh Singh, Godha Ram, Amar Singh, Harish Chandra. Gyanee mentions charges made by Harish Chandra against Ram Chandra, with specific regard to discrepancies in financial accounts. This lead to the resignation of Ram Chandra on January 6, 1917.

Freedom Movement

Date: January 1, 1917 to January 9, 1917
Subject(s): Ram Chandra, Gadar Party
Language: English
Creator: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Location: San Francisco, CA

Monday, 1st January 1917.
The rules of the Ghadr party the framing of which was resolved in the meeting of 24th November and which were to be passed on 8th December but were hung up on account of the mischief making of Pandit Ram Chandra, were taken up today and with the exception of one which related to the administration of oath, were passed almost entirely in this original form. Ram Chand saw this scene with his own eyes and left (the meeting). Though a few of the ignorant but mischievous inmates of the Ashram put many obstacles in the way, but 22 persons passed them all. Good deal of discussion also took place about accounts which Ram Chandra did not wish to render. At last on being forced he agreed to render it to Bishan Singh and Harish Chandra. But he has not shown it all.

Tuesday - 2nd January 1917
Was engaged in other work up to 12 o'clock. Saw Ram Singh and then went to Berkeley to Bagai. After talking about many things with Bagai and Sebgal I saw the Society's house at No. 1610 Edith St., which the Pandit had got registered in his (or his own) name. After taking meal at their place returned home at 9. P.M.

Wednesday, Jan 3 1917
Went to the Ashram at about 10 o'clock. There is nothing particular worth mentioning. Talked with Santokh Singh (or Santokh Singh etc) up to 11:30 P.M. Yes, today took the American Citizenship paper.

Thursday, Jan 4, 1917
Godha Ram and Amar Singh came to the house at 9 o'clock. Talked a good deal about the account matters. Got the name cards printed. Requested Santokh Singh (or Santokh Sing &c.) to bring money for some special object. Accompanied him up to the street (org.bazar).

Today Pandit Ram Chandra rendered account to Harish Chandra. Although the commission to see the accounts had been appointed 5 days ago, the cash was made over to them today instead of on that day.

Friday - Jan 5, 1917
Took 100 from Harish Chandra and gave it to Mr. Healy at 2:15 P.M.
Nothing special happened.
Many legal matters were discussed with Healy.

Saturday, January 6, 1917
Cashed a cheque for 600 through Bagai. A meeting of the Ashram Council was held in order to hear the opinion of the Commission. Harish Chandra brought the following charges against Pandit Ram Chandra:-

(1) There is a lack of honest in the Pandit's accounts,
(2) There is a confusion in the accounts shown,
(3) The funds of the party have been misused,
(4) Money has been spent on acquiring personal influence.

The money collected for work has not been spent on it. It was found that the plot of land was registered in the name of an American. It was also found that money had been lent to several persons.

The Ashram Council went apart and took resignation from Pandit Ram Chandra and turned him out.

Sunday, Jan 7, 1917
There was a discussion about the accounts for a long time at the Ashram. Afterwards went to Bazar.

Monday, Jan 8, 1917
Between 11 and 12 showed (?) Vault to Santokh Singh. Ram Singh brought 200 out of a Cheque cashed at the Wells Fargo.

Talked a lot with Jiwan Singh about the Pundit. The conversation referred to the latter's dishonesty.

Tuesday, Jan. 9, 1917
Talked with Harish Chandra at 1, with Santokh Singh from 3 to 6, with Ram Singh at 8:30 about taking over charge from the Pundit.

Today went to the Mission Bank and got it to cancel the name of Ram Chand as the operator of the Ashram account. In his place Bishen Singh will sign in future all the cheques as the editor of the Ghadr. Ali Muhammad was appointed as Treasurer.

Collection: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee Materials
Donor: S.P. Singh
Digitizer: Anne Vagts, Samip Mallick
Item History: 2012-07-23 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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