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The United States of India (October 1926)

The October 1926 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, No. 4) features the following articles and headlines: "India in Revolt"; "Reply to Lord Irwin: Causes of Hindu-Muslim Trouble" by B.F. Bharucha; "Religious Riots in India" (originally published in The Irish World); "Lord Oliver on the Hindu-Muslim Situation"; "The Political Theories of the Hindus"; "China Challenges Great Britain"; and, "The New Age" by Rabindranath Tagore.

Freedom Movement

Date: October 1926
Language: English
Source: The United States of India
Contributor: Rabindranath Tagore, B.F. Bharucha
Publisher: Pacific Coast Hindustani Association
Location: 5 Wood Street, San Francisco, CA

Collection: Gadar Party
Item History: 2011-11-29 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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